
We offer companies, associations, student initiatives, academic institutions and other organizations the opportunity to advertise in our canteens and cafeterias. Areas are available at the Campus Essen and Duisburg of the University of Duisburg-Essen (UDE).
For companies, advertising measures are subject to a fee. Printed material from student initiatives, higher education institutions and groups, student representatives and the AStA may be distributed free of charge in the cafeteria foyers with prior approval.
Information and sales booths
- possible in the foyers of the canteen on Campus Essen and the canteen on Campus Duisburg
- requires approval and may be subject to a fee
Flyer distribution
- possible in the foyers of the canteen on Campus Essen and the canteen on Campus Duisburg
- requires approval and may be subject to a fee
Poster, banner and CLP
- possible in the canteen on Campus Essen and the canteen on Campus Duisburg
- possible in the foyers of the mentioned canteens and in the sanitary facilities
- possible in the cafeterias Gelbe Cafete and Rote Cafete, Campus Essen
- possible in the cafeteria U-Café, Campus Duisburg
- requires approval and may be subject to a fee
Advertising banner on the website
- subject to approval and costs

Campus-Service GmbH
Advertising on campus and in canteens
Advertising on campus and in canteens
+49 221 28273621
+49 221 28273620
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