Day Care Centre Campuskids, Campus Duisburg

Campuskids is a childcare institution on the campus in Duisburg created by the Studierendenwerk. It offers places for nine children, who are looked after by three carers in a family setting. The service is available for studying parents who require childcare for their children of between 4 months and 3 years of age.

The opening hours are more flexible than in a normal childcare centre. The parents and carers together decide on a minimum number of hours per week for the child’s wellbeing.

Educational concept

We work according to the situational approach based on the pedagogy of Emmi Pikler. That means, each child is valued as it is and can develop at its own pace. We support their independence and promote their individual development.

With our offers, your children can gain basic experience and acquire skills and knowledge to meet everyday challenges. Outside our facilities we offer your children an environment that is adapted to their developmental needs and invites them to exercise and experience nature.

Great emphasis is placed on transparency in the work. This applies in particular to the many areas of experience of the children. All worries, wishes and concerns of children and parents are taken seriously.


The parental contribution is based on the income of the parents and is levied by the local youth welfare office in accordance with the KiBiZ (Children's Education Act).


Campuskids are located in close proximity to the Duisburg campus of the University of Duisburg-Essen.


If you are interested, you can register your child directly in the institution after prior arrangement by telephone.

Opening hours

Monday - Friday
7:30 am - 04:00 pm


Day Care Centre Campuskids
Mülheimer Straße 202
47057 Duisburg

Leiterin Tagespflege Campino
van der Wel
Director Day Care Campuskids
+49 201 82010-623
Leiterin Tagespflege Campino

Monika van der Wel

Director Day Care Campuskids
+49 201 82010-623

Opening hours
Mon to Fr 07:30 am - 04:00 pm

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